Saturday, July 3, 2010

Achilles Tendon Ruptures As One of the Sport Injuries

The Achilles tendon is the body's strongest ligament, and is usually ruptured when the foot needs to produce a sudden stretch on the tendon.Rupture can occur at any age, particularly affecting does who lead an active sport life .

Identification of the problem

The most common symptoms are sudden and severe pain, sometimes a loud popping sound, swelling and stiffness followed by bruising. When you have an injury, the body immediately tries to protect that area to prevent further injury. The foot swells up and it will take many weeks if not months for the inflammation to slowly decrease. A partial or complete Achilles Tendon rupture requires immediate immobilization and the given crutches will help to keep weight off the leg during the next months.

Surgery as a drastic intervention

Surgery is usually recommended for competitive athletes, younger people or those with a high level of physical activity. There are two different types of operation you can choose from.

* The open surgery is the standard procedure; there is a longer vertical cut on the back of the heel to reach the tendon to stitch it together.
* Another method the percutaneous surgery mainly used in private health care. In this case there will be a smaller horizontal cut to reach the damaged tendon.

After the surgery you will have a series of casts or an adjustable brace on your leg to help the Achilles Tendon heal and stretch,until the feet will reach the 90 degree again. Most of the research so far found that surgery has one advantage: it reduces the risk that the Achilles Tendon will rupture again. The disadvantages of surgery are the risk of complications such as wound infection, deep vein thrombosis, blood clot in the lung known as pulmonary embolism, a reaction to the anesthetic or the antibiotics. There may be a lower risk if you have percutaneous surgery, because it reduces the risk of getting a wound infection.

Natural Healing can be a less complicated option

In this case there is no risk of infection, whichever can occur during the other process, and so it's suitable for people who may not want to jump in the unknown. But, there are a number of problems with the natural healing process left to itself. One, it takes a very long time, secondly the risk of re-rupture is higher Inflammation goes down very slow. The Non-surgical treatment, in which case a cast or brace is used to help keep the tendon aligned so that it can heal itself, is not always the best decision. This so called 'conservative treatment' takes the strain off the tendon,makes it shorter so that it can knit together and heal. Conservative treatment may be suggested for older or less active patients, and for people wishing to avoid surgical intervention.

In a nut shell, the body, if left to just rest, will heal itself as best it can, but if the tendon does not heal on its own a surgical repair will be definitely advisable. Some sources state that as longer the waiting time is the bigger the risk that the tendon will get shorter and shorter.

How To Get a Healty Skin With Acne Treatment

Acne is the most common skin disease worldwide. It is common on the back, chest, shoulders, and even buttocks of many people in their teens and twenties. In fact, it is a disorder that causes outbreaks of skin lesions commonly called pimples. Acne is a universal skin disease which manifests in all genders, ages, and races. Fortunately, acne is treatable and can be resolved.

Most people do not have any problem in recognizing acne. In the simplest terms, the direct cause for problem skin is blocked oil ducts and pores in the skin. The biggest problem: Many adults dry out their skin with use of oil-stripping products or excessive washing. To effectively deal with any problem, you must first understand and eliminate the root cause of the problem. Wash problem areas twice daily with a nonmedicated soap or mild cleanser. If the problem is severe, then oral antibiotics may be needed along with topical applications.

Is clear, healthy skin important to you. Diseases of the skin are a common occurrence. It's very important to be taking care of that skin these days. For someone with oily skin, the best thing to do is to take measures to keep pores from getting clogged and forming acne lesions. Do protect your skin by wearing sunscreen and avoiding sunburns if you currently have acne. This is one of the key factors behind many skin disorders including acne. To normalize functioning of problematic skin it is necessary to use acne products. Here are some tips for keeping your skin acne free.

*Wash your face twice a day with warm water and a mild soap made for people with acne.

*Don't pop pimples. It's tempting, but here's why you shouldn't: Popping pimples can push infected material further into the skin, leading to more swelling and redness, and even scarring.

*Avoid touching your face with your fingers or leaning your face on objects that collect sebum and skin residue like the telephone receiver.

*If you wear glasses or sunglasses, make sure you clean them frequently to keep oil from clogging the pores around your eyes and nose.

*If you get acne on your body, try not to wear tight clothes, which don't allow skin to breathe and may cause irritation.

*Remove your makeup before you go to sleep.

*Keep hair clean and out of your face to prevent additional dirt and oil from clogging your pores.

*Protect your skin from the sun. It may seem like a tan masks acne, but it's only temporary.

We know more today than ever before about the treatment of acne. Fortunately effective treatment is available for acne of all severity. No treatment will completely 'cure' your acne. It's a known fact that an effective acne treatment can prevent emotional and physical scarring. The main aim of an acne treatment is to prevent new spots appearing on the skin. Remember that it can take 3-6 weeks to see any improvement after beginning an acne treatment.

Myth #1 is that acne is caused by poor hygiene. While acne is not caused by dirty skin, it can be aggravated by grease in the skin. Fortunately it is not a serious health threat, but it can cause scars. Acne is not a skin disease, it is a skin manifestation of changes that occur in the body and is caused by a blockage to the opening of the oil glands in the skin. Acne is a skin condition that every teen encounters and deal with at some point of their lives. It is a health condition and needs to be treated as such.

How Our Healthy Eating is Making Us Unhealthy - Five Tips to Live By

Every day there is a new headline about a new miracle food that will whittle your waist, grow your nails shrink your hips, and make your hair thicker and life happier. Our country is obsessed with healthy eating but we have one of the highest obesity rates and heart disease rates in the world.

As moms it's a daily struggle to get our kids to eat their vegetables, drink more water and eat less junk. We often don't make the best food choices for ourselves and family because our lack of time and energy. It's so much easier to go through the drive through, or the grocery store to hot deli section to get the corn dog, mac and cheese rather than cook a meal.

I know it can be confusing and frustrating trying to figure out what is healthy for the family when the food industry is constantly telling you what is good or bad to eat. What's interesting is that the good and bad foods are constantly changing. Last month Pomegranate juice was the miracle food so we had cereals, fruit bars, cookies and candies infused with pomegranate in it. Margarine use to be touted as the healthy alternative to butter but we now know they have trans fats which can clog our arteries and lead to heart disease.

As a mother I have learned over the years to stick with some basic principles of healthy eating and read the new "miracle" food headlines with a grain of salt.

1. Eat Real Food rather than packaged processed foods. Eat as many fruits, fresh or frozen vegetables and meats.

2. Eat Less set an example for your family and eat until you're satisfied not full.

3. Make it a rule not to eat in the car - This will help you two fold, you and your family will eat less fast food and less food from the gas stations and convenience stores.

4. Eat together as a family and not in front of the tv will reduce the mindless eating . It's a great tradition and way to catch up with the family and enjoy meals with the people you love.

5. Don't eat anything with more than five ingredients Have you recently looked at the ingredients list on your box of mac n' cheese? It's full of preservatives and fillers and words that you can't pronounce; and sound like a science project gone wrong. I know there will be days when you don't have the energy and will to cook. There are plenty of choices to either cook straight out of the box or bag just add some fresh ingredients or limit the ingredients to words you recognize.

As busy moms don't let these tips overwhelm your or make you feel that you have to do each and every one of them just incorporate one or two or adjust them to your family's lifestyle. Also, give yourself some slack and let your kids have cereal for dinner it's better than fast food and as long as it's not a regular thing your kids and you will be happier for it

Michi Story is known as The KenZen Coach. KenZen is Japanese for harmonious mind, body and spirit. Michi draws upon this, her Japanese heritage and her training as a wellness coach, personal trainer and health & fitness specialist to help busy moms learn how to better manage their stress, get fit, lose weight, have more energy, and create more work/life harmony.

Mediterranean Diet Plan - Live Longer - Period

diets come and diets go. Some seem unhealthy, but they promise a much desired huge weight loss over a short time. Others simply promise the world. Meanwhile, the Mediterranean diet has long been suggested in European studies to play a beneficial role in health and longevity. At long last, an American trial has been published which goes a long way towards proving it. The promise: follow this diet, live longer. Period!

The study participants included 214,284 men and 166,012 women in what was known as the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-AARP (formerly known as the American Association of Retired Persons) Diet and Health Study. The study prospectively followed this large group of people and documented all causes of death along the way. During a ten year period, from 1995 to 2005, 27,999 deaths occurred. During the first 5 years of followup, 5985 study participants died of cancer and 3451 of cardiovascular disease. A 9-point score was used to assess conformity with the Mediterranean diet consisting of vegetables, legumes,fruits, nuts, whole grains, fish, healthy mono-unsaturated fat to saturated fat ratio, moderate alcohol intake, and low dairy and meat consumption.

Results were very impressive. In men, the Mediterranean diet was associated with an approximate 20% reduction of death from all causes, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In women, there was a 12% decreased risk of cancer death and 20% less risk of dying overall during the study period. For smokers, the good news is that the reduced risk reduction was equal to that of non-smokers. So, if you must indulge in tobacco, here's a way to help yourself out anyway.

In the medical and statistical analysis world, this study goes a long way towards proving what other studies have been suggesting for a long time. Eat a healthy Mediterranean diet and live longer. Period.

Living With Hepatitis - Part Two in This Series

If you've just found out or if you've known for a while that you have Hepatitis C or HCV as it is sometimes referred to; you may be wondering if you should treat it and if so, how. You may understandably have some questions. Some of the main questions I know I had follows. Is there an easier way than the "Standard of Care" that involves taking a injection every 4-5 days? Can I avoid the horrible side effects I've heard about with the treatment? I'm asymptomatic; Should I even treat my Hepatitis C? I will try to answer some of these in this article.

The decision to treat is a personal one. Only you can answer that with your Doctor's input. The "Standard of Care" that most Doctors recommend is the drug called pegylated interferon alpha (Pegasys, PEG-Intron). This drug is often combined with an antiviral drug called ribavirin (Viral). Interferon alpha (Intron A): Interferon is a protein that the body makes naturally in response to viral infections in order to fight the infection. Pegylation describes a chemical process that makes the interferon last longer in the body. The Interferon alpha is the one you take by injection. These two drugs have a lot of side effects that aren't very easy to live with. Especially since you usually take this treatment for at least 24 weeks, and some doctors even recommend it for 48 weeks. Vomiting, diarrhea, and depression are only the tip of the side effects mountain.

It is well-known that pegylated interferon plus ribavirin can induce or exacerbate depressive symptoms that can affect whether you stick with the treatment or decide to discontinue treatment early and ultimately lower treatment outcomes. If you suffer from depression and decide to do the medically "approved" treatment, please make sure you are followed closely for your depression. Even in people without depression at the start of treatment, usually end up needing to take an antidepressant drug.

Here are some of the many reasons for deciding not to treat:

* You are concerned that you might not be able to work.
* You're worried by the potential side effects, particularly depression.
* You are bothered by the fact that the medication is given by self-injection.
* You distrust the pharmaceutical industry and their products.
* You'd rather try natural or alternative medicine.
* You're afraid that treatment will be not be tolerable
* You are scared that the medication will harm, maim or kill.
* You'd rather wait for better HCV medications.
* You are unwilling to go through treatment without better odds of success.
* You feel well and don't want to give that up for a year.
* Your liver has little or no fibrosis and waiting makes sense.

These are all good and okay reasons to not treat at this time. After all, you've probably have had the virus for years and didn't even know it. But there are some things you should do if you decide NOT to treat;

1. Don't drink alcohol.
2. Keep your weight under control.
3. Eat a low fat, high-fiber diet. Include fresh fruit, vegetables, and whole grains.
4. Aim for 30 or more minutes of exercise every day. If you're not sure about exercise, a simple place to start is tby walking 5 to 10 minutes a day and gradually increase your walking. Take the stairs instead of the elevators.
5. Protect your liver from other viruses Get your flu vaccines, and the Hepatitis A & B vaccines if you haven't already.
6. Get regular check-ups. Your doctor will want regular labs to know if your viral load (the amount of antibodies in your blood) is going up or staying relatively stable.

If you decide to try to treat with an herbal remedy, you need to do your research. Many herbs are toxic to the liver. There are a lot of claims that this one is better than that one, but for your own safety, get advice from a doctor or professional who specializes in alternative medicine.

Some of the herbal/alternative products that I've researched ( asked an herbalist and others, for the best ones) and have found that they do claim to help to keep the viral load down are:

* Liv-52,
* Milk Thistle and,
* Dandelion root.

But DO NOT take them all at the same time. Try one at a time to see which works best for you

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